Pet places: play areas for pets are on the rise

The expression ‘pet friendly’ has already become routine in the life of Brazilians. This fact can be translated into more places, commercial and residential, accepting the entrance and permanence of domestic animals. The increase in the presence of pets in establishments reflects the importance they have for their owners. Currently, Brazil has the second largest population of dogs, cats and songbirds in the world, with a total of 139.3 million pets, according to data from the Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Produtos para Pets (Abinpet). Of these, 54.2 million are dogs and 23.9 million are cats. The numbers are corroborated by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), which also predicts a growth trend for this population, with an estimate that only the share of dogs and cats will reach 101 million animals by 2030. Aware of this growing number of companion animals and the demands of this niche, house building companies have started to offer specific pet places – pet play or pet space – in their projects, which, in practice, are exclusive areas for pets within the condominium. “Pets have increasingly become part of families that live in apartments. So, it is more than fair that they also have a leisure area to run, play and walk safely with their tutors. Now, there is no longer any doubt about the importance of space and outdoor areas for pets”, explains the manager of the Yticon unit in Maringá (PR), Emanuelle De Mori Bardeja Gil. The city already has four residential projects under construction with these spaces monitored.

Idealized to be a kind of small square, the pet places are areas specially designed for the wellbeing of domestic animals, with an infrastructure made up of specific toys so that pets can have fun alone or with other animals. Among the items are toys similar to children’s playgrounds, such as seesaws and activity circuits. If the animal gets thirsty, there is a water fountain available. Everything is foreseen in the architectural project, with the use of specific pet friendly materials, in addition, of course, to a green area for contact with nature. “When we are going to launch a venture, there are items that cannot be left out. With the change in people’s behavior and family formats over the last two decades, we can say that pet spaces, today, are essential”, comments the manager, reinforcing that the animals are now considered members of the family.
There are already dozens of legal decisions regarding the presence of domestic animals in condominiums. Although the builders deliver the structure of a pet place, each condominium – through an internal regiment, voted by the residents themselves – decides how the area will operate, as with swimming pools, gyms and barbecue areas. The regiment is necessary so that there are rules and regulations, especially with opening hours and owner’s obligations, such as cleaning the animal’s waste, use of a leash and collar, in addition to supervising the interaction with other animals. “These are small attitudes that allow for a harmonious interaction in a collective space.”